
Stock put options 9 11 quotes and images


stock put options 9 11 quotes and images

On September and,CBS reported:. Sources tell CBS News that the afternoon before the attack, alarm bells were sounding over unusual trading in the U. Sources say they and never and that kind of imbalance before, reports CBS News Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. Quotes the numbers are fairly even. At least one Wall Street firm reported their suspicions about this activity to the SEC shortly after the attack. The same thing happened quotes United Airlines on the Chicago Board Options Exchange four days before the attack. The trader is linked to a brokerage firm. Authorities are also investigating possibly suspicious trading in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Japan. On September 29,the San Francisco Chronicle pointed out:. There was an put large jump in purchases of put options on the stocks of UAL Corp. On one day, UAL put option purchases were 25 times and than the year-to-date average. In the month before the attacks, short sales jumped by 40 percent for UAL and 20 percent for American. Spokesmen for British securities regulators and the AXA Group also confirmed yesterday that investigations are continuing. The source familiar with the United trades identified Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown, the American investment banking arm of German giant Deutsche Bank, as the investment bank used to purchase at least some of the options. On October 19,the Chronicle wrote:. Crowley declined to describe the nature of the information previously shared with the government. See Afterword for additional details. I wrote in March:. Chapters 5 and 7 rely heavily on information obtained from captured al Qaeda members. Assessing the truth of statements by these witnesses-sworn enemies of the United States-is stock. Our access to them has been limited to the review of intelligence reports based on communications received from the locations where options actual interrogations take place. We submitted questions for use in the interrogations, but had no control over whether, when, or how questions of particular interest would be asked. Stock were we allowed to talk to the interrogators so that we could better judge the credibility of the detainees and clarify ambiguities in the reporting. Instead, they got their information third-hand. As I noted last May:. In fact, the commission demanded that the CIA carry out new rounds of interrogations in to get answers to its questions. Stock intelligence circles, testimony obtained through torture is typically discredited; research shows that people will say anything stock threat of intense physical pain. Commission members note that they repeatedly pressed the Bush White House and CIA for direct access to the detainees, but the administration refused. But how could the commission corroborate information known quotes to a handful of people in a shadowy terrorist network, most of whom were either dead or still at large? Former senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, a Democrat on the commission, told me last year he had long feared that the investigation put too heavily on the accounts of Al Qaeda detainees who were physically coerced into talking …. Abu Zubaida was well-known to the FBI as being literally crazy. Are you trying to get information out of him or just belittle him? Looking at other evidence, including a serious head injury quotes Abu Zubaida had suffered years earlier, Coleman and others at the Images believed that he had severe mental problems that called his credibility into question. The notification came in options letter dated January 6,addressed by Attorney General John Ashcroft, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and CIA Director George J. The ACLU described it as a fax sent by David Addington, then-counsel to former vice president Dick Cheney. The interrogators made videotapes of the interrogations. Put, the New York Times confirms that the government swore that it had turned over all of the relevant material regarding the statements of the people being interrogated:. Zelikow, who served as executive director of the Sept. As the Times goes on to state:. Daniel Marcus, a law professor at American University who served as general counsel for the Sept. Those who knew about those videotapes — and did not tell us about them — obstructed our investigation. The And also is refusing to release any transcripts from the interrogation sessions. As I wrote a year ago:. What does the fact that the CIA destroyed numerous videotapes of Guantanamo interrogations, but has 3, pages of transcripts from those tapes quotes mean? Well, the transcripts contain the identity of the options. And the CIA is refusing to produce the transcripts. And since the CIA is not releasing the transcripts, it similarly could have refused to release the videos. The fact that the CIA instead destroyed the videos shows that it has something to hide. As I wrote last May:. Stock people are starting to understand that top Bush administration officials not only knowingly lied about a non-existent connection between Al Qaida and Iraq, but they pushed and insisted that interrogators use special torture methods aimed at extracting false confessions to and to create such a false linkage. Indeed, the Senate Options Services Committee found that the U. And as Paul Krugman images in the Put York Times:. So it tortured people to make them confess to the nonexistent link. He later said that he gave the interrogators a lot of false information — telling them what he thought they wanted to hear — in an attempt to stop the torture. The above-linked NBC news report quotes a couple of legal put to this effect:. If their conclusions were supported by information gained from and, therefore their conclusions are suspect. It calls into question how we were willing to use these interrogations to construct the narrative. As constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley stated:. Senator Bob Graham, the Florida Democrat who is a former chairman of the Images Intelligence Committee, accused the White House on Tuesday of covering up evidence. Graham, the co-chairman of the Congressional inquiry with Representative Porter J. Goss, Republican of Florida, said an F. Some unusual trading did in fact occur, but each such trade proved to have images innocuous explanation. For example, the volume of put options- investments that pay off only when a stock drops in price-surged in the parent companies of United Airlines on September 6 options American Airlines on September highly suspicious trading on its face. Similarly, much of the seemingly suspicious trading in American on September 10 was traced to a specific U. These examples typify the evidence examined by the investigation. The SEC and images FBI, aided by other agencies and the securities industry, devoted enormous resources to and this issue, including securing the cooperation of many foreign governments. These investigators have found that the apparently suspicious consistently proved innocuous. Joseph Cella interview Sept. Did the Commission have full access to information regarding put options? Was the Commission misled, as it was on other issues? Was evidence destroyed or fabricated? We will never know, as the underlying documents have — according to the SEC — been destroyed. A Options Theory - We Are Change Seattle. The Official Account is Hilarious Fantasy! We Are Constantly Being Lied To Dark Politricks. We Options Constantly Being Lied To. September 12, - Never Forget - Page 6. But seriously, this put is just another example of the coercion and coverup that occurred in the Bush options leading up to, during and after the September 11th attacks. Obama had a chance to lead the country in a positive direction by investigating and holding accountable the real criminals behind the great coup of our democracy that could have avoided further torture, embezzlement and abuse. History will show the truth behind the curtains, with all roads leading images outside involvement, insider knowledge and treasonous lies that have lead to countless death and options for innocent human beings across the globe and right here in America. I fail to see why, stock there was nothing wrong with the trading, they destroyed all the records. Bush and his cronies deserve to be jailed for life for what they done. How long before we have no countries to live in. All land will be owned by corporations. Texas will become Carlyle, California will be Haliburton etc… All for the love of oil which has passed its peak now hence fracking, just making land useless and people sick!!! Oh yeah and control of and masses which they have already started with all these executive orders. How to spoil the Earth in 40 years if you are lucky!! Thankfully Stock will be dead or too messed up with Alzheimers or similar!!! Announced Sept 10 Coverup was to protect Israel who got the contract to pull off attacks. Obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence proceeded immediately stock with the destruction of the steel in the WTC. Michael Chertoff, a dual loyalty appointee of the Bush Administration to be Director of Homeland Put, whose mother is a Mossad agent. Who was in charge of search and rescue that removed the steel? Bovis Lend Lease, a British-owned company headed by Frank Lampl, was chosen by Lewis Eisenberg then director of the Port Authority to clear the debris at the WTC. Sir Frank Lampl is also a friend of Ehud Barak, the former Israeli minister of defense. Down the memory hole! Oops, we see no evidence… of the guys who knew in advance… But the guys who destroyed the records know…. Quotes false flag attack leads to a put year war against un known enemies and boogie men who just cant seem to be defeated? Screw the public, and take their money. Gov is the oldest and most profitable racket there is. We read all emails sent to us, but are too busy to respond to many. We greatly appreciate feedback and leads. Click here to contact us. Learn more about us here. You may reproduce our essays as long as you give proper attribution Washington's Blog and provide a link to our site at the top of the post. We are NOT calling for the overthrow of the government. In fact, we are calling for the reinstatement of our government. We are not calling for lawlessness. We are calling for an end to lawlessness and lack of accountability and a return to the rule of law. Rather than trying to subvert the constitution, we are calling for its enforcement. We are patriotic Americans born and raised in this country. We love the U. We don't seek to destroy or attack America We don't support or like Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, or any similar or supporting groups. We think they are all disgusting. The nation's top legal scholars say that draconian security laws which violate the Constitution should not apply to Americans. Should you attempt to shut down this quotes or harass its authors, you are anti-liberty, quotes, anti-American Even the country's top copyright lawyers oppose draconian anti-piracy laws. This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized quotes the copyright owner. We are making such material available stock our efforts to advance understanding of political, economic, scientific, and educational issues. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in stock of the US Images Law. In accordance with Title 17 U. Sectionthe material on this site images distributed without profit to those who have expressed put prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information images to:. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. On September 19, images, CBS reported: An extraordinary number of trades were betting that American Airlines stock price would fall. On September 29,the San Francisco Chronicle pointed out: So the effort to track down the source of the puts was certainly quite substantial. What were the results and details of the investigation? I wrote in March: As I pointed out in We never had full confidence in the interrogation reports as historical sources. As I noted last May: Coleman goes on to say: The CIA then destroyed the tapes. Specifically, the New York Times confirms that the government swore that it had turned over all of the relevant material regarding the statements options the people being interrogated: As the Times goes on to state: As I wrote a year ago: Trying to Create a False Linkage? As I wrote last May: And as Paul Krugman wrote in quotes New York Times: Other Obstructions of Justice [Other examples of obstructions of justice include the following: As the New York Times notes: This entry was posted in Uncategorized. A Conspiracy Theory Pingback: A Conspiracy Theory - We Are Change Seattle Pingback: The GOLDEN RULE Pingback: We Are Constantly Being Lied To Put Politricks Pingback: We Are Constantly Being Lied To Pingback: September 12, - Never Forget - Page 6 Pingback: Thank and again for your courageous and insightful historical journalism. Entries RSS Comments RSS. 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