
Joptionpane showinputdialog ok court


Another useful class for accepting user input, and displaying results, is the JOptionPane class. This showinputdialog located in the javax. The JOptionPane class allows you to have input boxes like this one:. Let's adapt our court from the previous section and have some option panes. This tells java that we want to use the JOptionPane class, located in the javax. You can start a new project for this, if you prefer not to adapt your previous code. You should know how to create showinputdialog new project by now. Just joptionpane to change the name of the Class from Main to something else. We're going to have the class name InputBoxes for ours. Our package name will be userinput. Add the import line to your new project, and your code window should look like something like this:. The reason for the showinputdialog underline showinputdialog that we haven't used the JOptionPane class yet. It will go away once we do. To get an joptionpane box that the user can type into, we can use the showInputDialog method of JOptionPane. We'll store the input court into a first name variable again, just like last time. So joptionpane the following line to your main method:. In between the round brackets of showInputDialog type the message that you want displayed above the input text box. We've typed "First name". Like all strings, joptionpane needs to go between double quotes. This time, we want showMessageDialog from the popup list. In between the round brackets we first have the word null. This is a java keyword joptionpane just means that the message box is not associated with anything else in the programme. After a comma comes the text we want to display in the joptionpane box. The whole of your code should look like this:. As its name suggests, this ensures that the programme exits. But it also tidies up for us, removing all the created objects from court. Now run your code. Another quick way to run your programme in NetBeans is by right-clicking anywhere inside of the coding window. From the menu that appears, select Run File. Exercise Input boxes showinputdialog Message boxes can be formatted further. Try the following for court Input boxes:. Exercise A Input boxes are not showinputdialog used for text: Write a programme that prompts the user for two numbers, the breadth of a rectangle and the height of a rectangle. Use a message box to calculate the area of the rectangle. However, you'll need some court help for this exercise. Help for the Exercise You have to use the String variable to get your numbers from the user:. However, you can't multiply two strings together. You need to convert the Strings to court. You can showinputdialog a string to an integer like this:. So you type Integer then a full stop. After the stop, type parseInt. In between the round court of parseInt, type the name of the string variable you're trying to convert. Exercise B The programme will crash if you enter floating point values for the breadth and height. How would you solve this? When you have solved the above exercise, do you really want Integer. What else do you think joptionpane can use?

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